Discipline Rules

Discipline Rules

  1. The students are advised to obey the instructions given by the Principal and teachers from time to time.
  2. All students are advised to adhere to the respective dress code of the college for all academic and allied activities in the campus. Students should display their identity card prominently when they are within the campus.
  3. Student must be regular and punctual in attending the classes and practicals as well as relevant club events.
  4. The student is required to complete and deliver the tasks in a timely manner, in any type of difficulties they may concern teacher or relative coordinator.
  5. The College expects 100% attendance for the theory and practical session. Some relaxation is feasible only on legitimate grounds and with prior permission of the Guardian teacher/Academic coordinator and/or Principal. However, in no case the attendance must be less than 80% separately for theory & practicals; otherwise action may be taken as per University/Board norms.
  6. Students should be punctual to classes and practicals. Consistent late comers should overcome their problem by taking counselling from their guardian teachers.
  7. Parents’ Meetings will be informed through online or offline mode. Presence of parents for parent’s meeting is expected. Parents can inform about their absence, if any to their wards’ guardian teacher with proper reason.
  8. Parents should monitor their children’s academic calendars and progress reports on a frequent basis.
  9. If students are found to be weak in certain subjects, they will be scheduled to attend additional sessions as specified and make the necessary progress to catch up to the other students.
  10. Extra class attendance is a must for weaker, backlog and lateral entry direct second year students.
  11. Students must read frequently the message displayed on the notice board/whatsapp and on the college website for different instructions or notices.
  12. Pasting of any pictures, posters, consumption of tobacco in any form (Smoking, Gutkha, Pan), chewing gum, gambling, consumption of alcoholic drinks and use of hallucinogenic drugs and other illegal substances or the possession of such substances anywhere in the premises is strictly prohibited and if student found consuming tobacco he will be liable to punish.
  13. In the classroom and labs, using gadgets such as mobile phones, tabs are absolutely forbidden and if found it will be confiscated.
  14. The college students are restricted in involving in any such activity which may purpose harm to the college property. It will be viewed critically and is likely to result in recovery of the cost of damage.
  15. Students are confined to leave the campus within College hours. Only with prior approval of the concerned authority students can, provided he/she has to submit the identity card towards security personally at the gate.
  16. Students must carry and wear prescribed uniform & apron during College hours.
  17. Students are constrained indulging in any antisocial endeavour and from forming a crew causing any damage to the reputation of the college internal or outdoor of the campus.
  18. Students should take care of their belongings while they are in the campus. The Institution will not be responsible for any loss of such belongings.
  19. Students are restricted from involving themselves in any political or religious activities inside the campus.
  20. Valentine’s Day and/or other unprofessional and anti-cultural activities are not allowed to celebrate within the campus premises.
  21. Birthday celebrations of students, teaching or non-teaching staff is strictly prohibited to celebrate within college building or premises. It can be celebrate in canteen only with prior permission.
  22. Misconduct or misbehaviour will result in immediate dismissal from the institution.
  23. Legal disputes, if any, are subject to the inform to the guardian teacher on priority basis
  24. All other rules, Regulations and guidelines prescribed by the government and appropriate agencies will be implemented.
  25. The Institution shall not be liable for any compensation/claim whatsoever under any circumstances, in case of any casualty/injury or otherwise to any student during his/her academic activities inside /outside the campus.
  26. National spirit, Social responsibility, human values and equality shall be the prime objective of any subjects. Disobeying National Anthem, National Flag and the elders will be liable for punishment.
  27. Fee structure declared by Shikshan Shulka Samiti (Fee Regulating Authority), Govt of Maharashtra will be ultimate & if any arrears, will have to be paid by the student’s side, he/she has to pay the required amount of arrear.
  28. Above policies of self-discipline & behavior are also applicable to the hostel resident students.
  29. Students are bound to the above rules of discipline which are concern to change or modifications. The amendment can be accomplished wherever the Principal deems it match & proper. The decision of the Principal shall be ultimate and binding on the students.
  30. Ragging in any form inside or outside the campus is strictly prohibited by means of law. Any student discovered ragging others will be summarily expelled from the College and disciplinary action as per Maharashtra Prohibition of Ragging Act 1999 will be taken.


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